Kirstie Allsopp: a beautiful woman and a terrible Tory
Charlie then dropped the bomb shell when she said, "but I thought you were a Tory..." I reeled from that comment spluttering and stuttering before finally recovering and confirming to them that I'm not Tory.
I grew up under Thatcher and Major and my conditioning started young with seeing my father hurling abuse at the telly whenever Thatcher's smug face appeared on the screen before leaping up and turning the TV off entirely. Thatcher angered my father that much and it puts me in mind of a quote by the infamous Frankie Boyle who when asked to comment on whether Thatcher should get a state funeral said, "most of us aren't interested in what type of funeral she [Thatcher] should have, we're all debating whether she has to be dead before we can bury her!" It wasn't just my father either, local politicians also had a role to play in building my hatred of the Tories. The local council in my home town when I was growing up was Conservative, true blue through and through and as a result of that had changed from a vibrant market town into a dead dormitory town. They were inept, spineless and greedy, slashing services in the town until there was fuck all left. When I started working in the holidays whilst at University I saw Tory voters close up and it made me hate the Tories even more. Small business owners in my neck of the woods were overwhelmingly Tory and they treated their workforce like shit and temps, like me, were even lower on the food chain. After seeing how those bastards treated their workforce I vowed to join a union as soon as I got a proper job. The Conservative party made me the lefty voter I am today and it will be a cold day in hell before I vote blue. Really I find this all too difficult to put into words but I think this sketch from the early 1990s still runs true today...
When Thatcher dies, we have to bury her face down. That way, when her corpse is reanimated by right-wing necromancers, she won't claw her way to the surface.
She needs to be ritualistically burned in some sort of wicker structure.
It's just that you do look rather Tory. Not as much as Tristan, he really does look like a smarmy Tory Boy.
Sam, you're classic Tory background. You go SHOOTING for god's sake - though admittedly that's proper old-school Tory rather than the 80s nouveau-riche Tory that was Thatcher and the yuppies. Also, what town are you from, and why did it go downhill so much? It happens to Labour strongholds too, you know.
(Disclaimer - I spent most of the 80s in Essex, which was, and still is, Thatcher country)
Matt I grew up in the neighbouring county of Hertfordshire which was and still is sickeningly true blue. So what if I go shooting why should the tories have all the fun? I have to declare a particular hatred for the nouveau riche tories as they owned the businesses I temped in and they were a complete shower. At heart I'm a filthy liberal that leans to the left... mostly.
All hail to a fellow softy lefty hippie!!!!!!!
To be fair... I come from an actual Tory background... my whole bloody family votes blue... fucking military!!!
Well done Sam, break that damn mold!
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